Psyche [sai-kee]
Origin: Ancient Greek ψυχή "psyche": breath; derivative of ψύχω "psychein": to breathe.
▸ noun: the actuating cause of an individual life; that which is responsible for one's thoughts, feelings and behavior; soul
Couturière [koo-toor-yer]
Origin: Old French "cousture": seam, from Latin "consuere": to stitch together; fashion designing, dressmaking
▸ noun: A woman engaged in couture.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Virgin Post

I dig fashion, it is my love. It is not my God or even my religion, yet it is truly spiritual and definitely my Nirvana. Transcendental, especially when creating a style out of one-of-a-kind thrift store pieces, and more especially (if that's a phrase) when I discover haute priced couture at bargain prices. (wink)

I call myself  the "Psyche" couturière because my insides (the bio-psycho--> femalebi-polarADHDrecoveringdrugaddicttherapist) are congruent with what you see when you see me!!! I genuinely enjoy unique, one of a kind, non-prescribed ensembles.  I guess I'm a cross between Lady Di and Lady GAGA!!  

Biologically as a "soft" bi polar, it is definitely an ontological calling!  As an adolescent I became attracted to "alternative" culture at about the same time I began using drugs.  This led to romanticizing and exploring different communities, new music, and non-establishment dress.  As money for essentials became a scarce commodity (because the group funds were channeled towards self destruction), creative bargaining, thrift stores, and discounted goods became the norm! Luckily, the positive aspects of this lifestyle (tribal experiences, sharing in noncompetitive ways, questioning the norm, God as Love, diverse perspectives, etc.) remain a part of who I am today.

It was when I first learned I had to take medicine for my hypomania, 25 or so years ago, that I re-discovered thrifting. In early recovery from my drug addiction it was a necessity to find an affordable way to dress professionally.  Many years later it is a passion and a serendipitious experience. 

Mind you, this vlog highlights my ADHD, hypomanic style.  I AM the Psyche Couturière a.k.a. Soul Dresser!Couturière


  1. This is a great website! so is Psyche Couturière anything like a Psyche Derrière? :-)
    or maybe you're a Couturière with a Psyche Derrière!

  2. Very Cool! Lots of fun! Let's here more Soul Dresser!
